Speech therapy care

The goal of speech therapy is to restore or improve the patient's communication skills.

Speech and voice disorders may also accompany neurological movement disorders or severe traumatic brain injuries in children and adults. These disorders can have a profound impact on physical, emotional and social well-being, making it essential to initiate speech therapy intervention.

The goal of speech therapy is to restore or improve the patient's communication skills. If, for various reasons, spoken language communication cannot be restored or achieved, we seek alternative non-verbal communication channels for our patients.

Gloria during rehabilitation in HENDI CENTRE

In the HENDI CENTRE, clients attend speech therapy sessions during rehabilitation stays or in the form of individual outpatient therapies.

Gloria during rehabilitation in HENDI CENTRE
Gloria during rehabilitation in HENDI CENTRE
Gloria during rehabilitation in HENDI CENTRE

Speech therapy intervention

Effective speech therapy intervention consists of a detailed diagnostic assessment followed by tailored individual therapy. In practice, we often use diagnostic therapy or therapeutic diagnosis, where the speech therapist always examines the strengths and weaknesses of a child or adult with a communication disorder when working with them. This includes making and fixing eye contact, understanding gestures and understanding verbal speech, level of non-verbal communication (use of gestures), level of verbal communication (sounds, syllables, words, sentences, clauses, use of grammar, extent of active vocabulary, accuracy of articulation).

In addition to communicative expressions, we also observe the mobility and appearance of the articulatory organs (lips, teeth, tongue, soft palate). In terms of food intake, we are interested in how the client receives, chews and swallows food (liquid and solid) and whether he/she is in control of salivation. We use different therapeutic techniques, approaches and procedures according to the level of each ability.

Gloria during rehabilitation in HENDI CENTRE

Depending on the age, interest and abilities of our clients, we use a variety of interesting aids, worksheets, apparatus, motor toys, pictures and mirrors in our "speech therapy" to keep the attention and interest of both the child and the adult. We do not forget to develop voice, breathing, hearing and visual skills.

In the therapeutic process, we try to guide each client to improve their weaknesses through their strengths and move forward in small steps. How quickly each person will progress is individual and is influenced by many factors. However, our concern is that clients experience a sense of accomplishment and are motivated to keep training.

Speech therapy is designed according to the individual possibilities and abilities of the particular patient. We provide care in the area of speech therapy diagnosis, therapy and counseling of all types of impaired communication skills without age limitation. It is particularly important for us to involve the relatives of our patients in the treatment process.

If you are interested in outpatient speech therapy, please fill out the contact form and our client care department will contact you promptly. Thank you.