We have become a contractual partner of all Slovak health insurance companies
We are pleased to announce great news - our services (medical rehabilitation and speech therapy) are now available to a certain extent also for patients - insured by Slovak health insurance companies. In order to make the first steps as easy as possible, we have prepared an overview of the organizational guidelines ... continue to the event
We handed over a contribution for rehabilitation thanks to II. Physioyoga Conference
II. year Physioyoga This year the conference was not only in the spirit of health and movement, but also in the spirit of helping those who need it the most. We are happy to announce that thanks to this initiative we managed to give a contribution of 800 € for rehabilitation in HENDI MEDICAL CENTER to little Ondrik... continue to the event
Lecture: kindness and compassion in everyday life with Roman Miesler
How to develop them so that they are not just words but a real part of our lives? We invite you to a lecture with Roman Miesler on developing kindness and compassion through meditation techniques in our relationships and in everyday life... ... continue to event
HENDI MEDICAL CENTER welcomed Paralympic medalists from Paris
HENDI MEDICAL CENTER welcomed the medalists from Paris and announced the deepening of cooperation with the Slovak Paralympic Committee. Slovak Paralympic medallists from Paris - Veronika Vadovičová, Ján Riapoš, Peter Lovaš and Radoslav Malenovský took part in a festive meeting at the HENDI MEDICAL CENTER in Piešt'any on Friday, 4 October 2024. ... continue to article
Health and relaxation in one place - HENDI MEDICAL CENTER
For the past four years, the spa town has been home to a unique facility that has its doors open to both pediatric and adult patients with various musculoskeletal diagnoses. At the same time, it can also be visited by all those who simply want to indulge in regeneration and do something more for their health. They will be taken care of by the professionals of the title. Their first priority is professionalism and human approach to each client. ... continue to article
Entitlement to healthcare reimbursement
Patients of the HENDI CENTRE can also apply for a contribution to the health insurance company to cover their health care. ... continue to article
Children with Koolen-de Vries syndrome are rehabilitated at HENDI
Four children with a unique genetic syndrome met under one roof of our centre. In the reportage on Markiza you could see some examples of their rehabilitation. At the end of July, we welcomed Michaela Petrášová, news and journalism editor, and a cameraman from the most watched Slovak television channel Markíza to the HENDI MEDICAL CENTER. ... continue to article
HENDI at the European Summer Games for Disabled Youth
Children with disabilities can derive many benefits from sport - the 13th EMIL OPEN proved it again. Physical activity improves motor skills, balance and overall fitness. Psychologically, sport boosts self-esteem, self-worth and improves mood and socially it helps build friendships and team spirit and teaches mutual respect. Proper rehabilitation helps maintain health, better fitness and performance. ... continue to article
HENDI CENTRUM has an ideal combination for tourism, says Tatiana Nevolná from OOCR Rezort Piešt'any
She found herself in the tourism industry, and although she often has to sacrifice her weekends for her job, she says it's worth it. Tatiana Nevolná is the head of the regional tourism organisation Rezort Piešt'any. She promotes individual members, their activities and activities at home and abroad. HENDI MEDICAL CENTER has been a part of the membership base for two years. ... continue to article
Manual therapy as both pain relief and prevention.
Manual therapy is a therapeutic method that uses manual manipulation to diagnose, treat and prevent various diseases, especially those related to the musculoskeletal system. ... continue to article
Sore back and head, stiff muscles. It's time for a massage, take your pick.
Maybe you're overworked and your muscles and spine need relaxation, or maybe your psyche is begging for a rest. Whether you want to relax your body or your soul, or both, massage is an excellent choice. We'll show you which massage could be right for you and why. If you suffer from a chronic or acute illness, you should consult your doctor about the suitability of massage. ... continue to article
A few quick punctures, long-lasting pain relief - a new method of dry needling treatment at HENDI MEDICAL CENTER
The application of a dry needle helps to eliminate pain on movement and regenerates overworked muscles. Are you suffering from headaches, neck pain, lower back pain, Achilles tendonitis, stiff shoulders or carpal tunnel syndrome? We have a solution for you. If the sight of a needle does not cause you physical or mental discomfort and you tolerate needles, try a new addition to our therapies - dry needling relaxation. ... continue to article
Weekend seminar - Principles of correct wheelchair seating
The seminar is primarily aimed at healthcare professionals who work with patients in wheelchairs. If you are not a healthcare professional but care for a relative in a wheelchair or are in a wheelchair yourself, please register and we will contact you. We are able to include you in the workshop if there is space available. ... continue to article
We were at the XXXIII Bratislava Days of Child Neurology
Lecture on therapeutic rehabilitation for the first time at a professional forum of paediatric neurologists In Slovakia, approximately six boys are born every year with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), one of the most common genetic diseases characterised by weakening and wasting of the muscles. A team of doctors and physiotherapists from HENDI MEDICAL CENTER put together a presentation on the indispensability of medical rehabilitation for Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), which has resulted in many DMD patients becoming more active and living to an older age. ... continue to article
HENDI CENTRE brings medical experts directly to patients
We started regular consultations with specialists by consulting in the orthopaedic field. Rehabilitation treatment of the musculoskeletal system is important, but we know that without the cooperation and collaboration of several specialists, the desired outcome of the treatment could come late or not at all. The renowned Czech orthopaedic surgeon MUDr. Karol Urbášek with visited our centre in February during a one-day consultation for both clients and interested people outside the centre. It was with this meeting that we started the tradition of regular consultation days at the HENDI CENTRE every quarter. ... continue to article
A week of HENDI therapies for the "homebody"
Even physically disadvantaged children in orphanages need rehabilitation. Every child should have loving parents or loved ones who accompany them through childhood and on the road to adulthood. Not to mention children who have been handed various disabilities by life. Unfortunately, many of them grow up in children's homes, which were renamed centres for children and families five years ago after the law was amended. These provide children with temporary care in an attempt to ensure that they live in conditions that are as family-like as possible. ... continue to article
When wearing barefoot shoes, strengthening the feet is of great importance
Barefoot footwear is becoming increasingly popular worldwide. Many Slovaks have already exchanged narrow sneakers, uncomfortable flip-flops or high pumps for a much more pleasant alternative. Barefoot shoes imitate barefoot walking, which is the best thing we can do for the health of our feet, for ourselves and our children. ... continue to article
Podcast with the Medical Director of the HENDI CENTER: When someone stands on their feet or utters their first word, it's an indescribable feeling.
Marián Markech has found meaning and fulfilment in his professional life in working with people in need of help. He admits that at first he had fears, but they quickly disappeared. ... continue to article
Virtual reality Gait Better helps patients regain mobility
The HENDI CENTRE in Piešt'any has once again enriched its rehabilitation possibilities with a new technological gadget. A special treadmill system enables an innovative motor-cognitive approach to gait rehabilitation and falls prevention. Few rehabilitation centres in Slovakia can boast such a wide range of rehabilitation possibilities as the HENDI CENTRE in Piešt'any. ... continue to article
Come to rehab in winter
We will give you a discount of 250 Euros for each rehabilitation week and you decide how to use it. . .... continue to article
SwaZar in HENDI CENTRE helped Simonka and Branko
The civic association We Live Only Once at the rehabilitation HENDI CENTRE prepared the second year of the charity SwaZar. The pre-Christmas event was a combination of culture, book swap, children's clothing bazaar and an engaging program for children. All proceeds from the event were donated to nine-year-old Simone and six-year-old Branko. In order for the HENDI CENTER's pediatric patients to make progress, they need regular rehabilitation....continue to article
The importance of medical rehabilitation and physical therapy prior to elective total hip or knee arthroplasty.
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system place a significant burden on humanity. They are among the leading social diseases in terms of the severity of disorders. With the development of the pharmacological industry with the explosion of new drugs in the second half of the 20th century, pharmacotherapy was seen as promising in managing this burden on humanity. But even this boom has not lived up to the hopes and so we are witnessing a great disillusionment stemming from the transient effect of pharmacotherapies, the necessity of their long-term use, and the unbearable risk of side effects, often serious, of prolonged pharmacotherapy. ... continue to article
With the most expensive medicine in your body straight to the HENDI CENTRE
Edith, who has SMA 2, was initially suspicious after the media hype surrounding the fight for a two-million-dollar cure during her first rehabilitation stay at the HENDI CENTRE. However, she was won over by the therapists' angelic singing. A story with a happy ending, that's how one could call the story of little Editka suffering from SMA 2, which half a year ago flew around several Slovak media and activated all the good people. The little girl from the Trnava region was diagnosed with spinal muscular atrophy type 2 at the age of 19 months at the end of November 2022. The doctor recommended an expensive but effective gene therapy - a one-time administration of Zolgensma, the world's most expensive drug, which costs two million euros. ... continue to article
Rehabilitation after seven years with a serious illness
Lucia with a rare dystonic muscle disorder loves adrenaline and sports. She hasn't given up on it even after she became seriously ill. At the HENDI CENTRE she had her first rehabilitation stay, which literally opened her eyes. Thanks to winning a competition to win a five-day therapy session, she learned more from us about how to exercise so she doesn't hurt herself and is able to move forward. ... continue to article
Within a year and a day in the HENDI CENTRE
Eli exercises during comprehensive SMA rehab with a smile A year and a half of therapy in tears has been replaced by a smile! Three-year-old Elinka stopped crying during exercise for the first time at the HENDI CENTRE. Literally within a year and a day of her first session, Eli completed her third week-long session of the Baby and Toddler Rehabilitation Course in the middle of this year, which was tailored to her individual needs. The family from the Czech Republic travels to HENDI for SMA therapy two to three times a year. ... continue to article
Kubko with SMA has learned to ride a bike and is one step closer to healthy children again
A diagnosis of spinal muscular atrophy type II hasn't yet allowed a six-year-old boy to discover the magic of walking independently, but he's not giving up! A few weeks ago, he learned to control the bicycle he inherited from his brother and today he is riding it through the streets like his healthy peers. The most important things for Kubek's fitness are rehabilitation stays several times a year, targeted active movement and constant exercise. Kubko from Košice was a normal baby until almost a year ago and he was developing quite well. When he was about a year old, his parents noticed a lag. ... continue to article
From native Crimea to Turkey and through Germany to HENDI CENTRE
This is exactly how winding was the Ukrainian boy's journey to our centre. This was the second time that little Ernest, whose family left Ukraine before the war and now live in Germany, was also staying at the HENDI CENTRE . Why did they decide to come from Germany to Slovakia to rehabilitate and to HENDI CENTRE? Read what Ernest's mother Lilia told us. ... continue to article
Rehabilitation at HENDI for a better and longer life
Romana, 39, with spinal muscular atrophy, has never stood up, but despite her illness, she has graduated from college and is eager to further her education. If my head is right, why not, says the adult SMA patient. Romana from Krupina was born of twins in her eighth month of pregnancy. She and her sister Petya both appeared to be healthy babies, although they moved less in the tummy. The disease became apparent when they were eight months old - that's when they stopped lifting their heads, turning around. ... continue to article
Thanks to the therapies at the HENDI CENTRE, Anička got back on her feet
Two little girls, both with a diagnosis that doctors can't detect. Monika Nemcová had to cope with a situation that no parent can prepare for. After the initial shock, it was the turn of exercises and therapies to move the girls forward. At the HENDI CENTRE, these also brought the desired success. The older daughter was able to get back on her feet in a short time. ... continue to article
The lecture on respiratory physiotherapy was full of valuable advice
The expert lecture at the HENDI CENTRE in Piešt'any was focused on breathing and included several practical demonstrations. "The public has the idea that when a neuron is damaged, that's it. But it isn't. There are mechanisms to be able to stimulate the growth of neurons," says doctor Marian Jendrichovsky. He has been working in the field of Physiotherapy and Medical Rehabilitation since 1994. The renowned expert founded and runs an outpatient clinic for the treatment of functional movement disorders, and is also the founder of the Tatra School of Respiratory Physiotherapy. ... continue to article
Pay attention to your feet
Pain in the spine, joints and head can be related to a disturbed balance in the feet. They are one of the most complex parts of our body. The feet are the foundation and part of the support system of the entire human body. The current era, in which sedentary lifestyles prevail, is suppressing our natural upright, healthy posture. People often only deal with the problem locally, i.e. spinal pain, low back pain, but do not realise that the root of the problem may also be in the feet. Our foot is one of the most complex parts of our body. ... continue to article
HENDI in the centre of the action of the 12th EMIL OPEN European Youth Games
From 21 to 25 June, the European Sports Games for Disabled Youth Emil Open took place in Brno, Czech Republic, and was full of admirable sporting performances! 12 countries and more than 800 athletes took part. Our facility is a partner of the international event, which is held in the spirit of the slogan "sport for all" for the second year and this time we also participated in the accompanying sports programme of the games. ... continue to article
The expert lecture of Martina Frištáková focused on scoliosis
A renowned expert in the field of orthopaedics at the HENDI CENTRE informed and discussed with families with SMA children. Scoliosis is one of the well-known musculoskeletal disorders, it appears especially during adolescence. Girls suffer from it much more than boys. While its milder form can be addressed with exercises, the severe form already requires surgical intervention. It is also very common in paediatric patients with neuromuscular diseases, including spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). ... continue to article
Czech girl with a rare brain disease at the HENDI CENTRE
Five-and-a-half-year-old Emka, who has been struggling with very serious Melizaeus-Merzbacher syndrome since birth, made progress after a few days of rehabilitation. She has perfected her rolling technique, head lifting and hand work. We gave her a one-week intensive stay at the HENDI CENTRE in partnership with the organiser of the Emil Open, the international sports games for disabled youth. ... continue to article
HENDI CENTRUM at the 56th Slovak-Czech Days of Child Neurology
Our facility became one of the partners of the 56th Slovak-Czech Days of Child Neurology and the XXXII Bratislava Postgraduate Days of Child Neurology, which took place from 17 to 19 May in Tatranská Lomnica. The professional congress in the Grandhotel Praha was organized by the Neuropediatric Section of the SNeS SLS and co-organized by the Department of Child Neurology of the Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University in Bratislava and the Society of Child Neurology of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Bratislava and the Society of Child Neurology of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Bratislava. The expert guarantor of the event was Miriam Kolníková, MD, PhD. ... continue to article
Press trip in HENDI CENTRE was a success
Within the cooperation between HENDI CENTRE and the Piešt'any Resort, a press trip for media representatives took place on 10 May in the rehabilitation facility. The journalists were interested in the therapies and accommodation. Thanks to the cooperation between HENDI CENTRE and the regional tourism organisation Rezort Piešt'any, a group of Slovak journalists visited us on 10 May. The organised journalistic trip was aimed at familiarising the participants with the offer of the HENDI CENTRE and ensuring that the media representatives conveyed to their readers and listeners why it is good to know about us. ... continue to article
What next after NCMP - sudden stroke?
Sudden strokes affect about two people in a thousand today. They are the third most common cause of death and disability in industrialised countries (after cardiovascular disease and cancer). Sudden stroke (NCMP) tragically affects the lives of more than 10 thousand families every year. Cases are steadily increasing: in 2015 there were 10,634 cases, and in 2019 there are already 12,702 people. The risk rises significantly from the age of 45, with up to three-quarters of cases in people over 65. Men are slightly more at risk (54%). ... continue to article
Online consultation with a HENDI CENTRE doctor!
On the first Wednesday of every month you can connect with us ONLINE! If you have questions that you would like to discuss with a physician at our center, we are available to help. Schedule a convenient appointment over the phone and use the Zoom app to discuss the topics you are interested in discussing with our doctor. ... continue to article
Test our new handbike during your stay in Piešt'any!
Dear friends and visitors of Piešt'any! Thanks to the support of the KIA Foundation and the project Inspiration of Movement 2022, the civic association Live Only Once has managed to get a universal handbike for active people, who are not discouraged even by disabilities to enjoy the joy of movement and fresh air. The new handbike passed the load test in the HENDI CENTRE - it was tested by the physiotherapist Tomáš, who was kept company during the test ride by Peter Káčer, a regular client of the HENDI CENTRE. Everything is ready, fine-tuned and the new handbike is ready for you in the field. ... continue to article
Today we welcomed members of the ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OF THE CARPATHIAN REGION to the HENDI CENTRE. The working visit of almost 30 doctors and other health professionals, mainly from the field of rehabilitation, was aimed at making a first step towards getting to know each other and opening up cooperation in the future. During the tour of the centre, the participants were really interested in the methodologies used in our centre, the way of working and appreciated the quality equipment of the therapy rooms and our hydrocentre....continue to article
Adelkin progression - from lying to walking with support
Hypotonic little girl got back on her feet thanks to the exercises at the HENDI CENTRE. 2.5-year-old Adelka from Vrútok has been going to HENDI CENTRE regularly since last year. Already after the first week's stay the first results appeared and the second stay was also marked by progress. At the end of Adelka's 5-day rehabilitation, we talked to her mother Zuzana about Adelka's journey towards a better and better quality of life. Adelka had to fight already in her tummy, because her mom's pregnancy was risky and under doctors' supervision since the 13th week. However, she came into the world on time and there was no indication that anything was wrong. ... continue to article
Elinka with SMA 1 and her second stay in HENDI CENTRE
In the management of a family with a child with the serious genetic condition spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), rehabilitation plays an indispensable role from diagnosis throughout life. HENDI CENTRUM has been providing comprehensive rehabilitation care for patients with this diagnosis from all over Slovakia and neighbouring countries since 2020. Elinka from the Czech Republic was diagnosed with the most severe type 1 SMA in her fifth month of life. Thanks to gene therapy and regular rehabilitation, she is progressing step by step. Watch a short video to see how Elinka, who will turn three this summer, fared during her second rehabilitation stay at the HENDI CENTRE. ... continue to article
A weekend of Christmas, fun and togetherness for SMA families
Hours of toil during the exercise were replaced by laughter, music, dancing and tears of emotion. The intention to bring SMA families together, to help them through rehabilitation and to provide support in coping with this disease is successfully fulfilled by the organizers, as evidenced by the fact that this was the second joint event of our clients after the SUPER WEEKEND in September. ... continue to article
The latest inspiration for the HENDI CENTRE was drawn from Israel
During the networking event, several major startup companies operating in the healthcare sector presented their products and services. During November, HENDI CENTER's General Manager Jana Koyšová participated in a networking event at Maccabi Health CareServices in Tel Aviv. A number of interesting startup companies dedicated to the development of products for healthcare came together in one place. ... continue to article
SWAZAR in HENDI CENTRE helped 5-year-old Andrejka
A combination of a swap and bazaar with a charity dimension and a rich accompanying programme - that was SwaZar in the rehabilitation HENDI CENTRE in Piešt'any. On Tuesday, 29 November, we were visited by writer, musician and actor Braňo Jobus to tell children about his books for young readers. At the fundraising event he talked, sang a few songs to the stories and signed the books. ... continue to article
HENDI CENTRE at the SMA International Congress in Barcelona
Representatives of the Centre and the Association for Assistance to the Handicapped - APPA Abroad presented a joint comprehensive project Step for You, which is aimed at children with the severe genetic disease Spinal Muscular Atrophy and their parents. The aim of the project is to make it accessible for children in various stages of the disease (SMA type I-IV) from all over the country to receive comprehensive skilled rehabilitation care and to provide education and instruction for home care to their parents. In two years, thanks to the Step for You project, nearly 20 children with SMA have been rehabilitated repeatedly at the HENDI CENTRE. ... continue to article
Doctors did not give Jakub a chance for change, but his condition improved significantly thanks to the exercises.
The two-week stay at the HENDI CENTRE was the first, but probably not the last, time for the family from Prague. Similar facilities are mostly lacking in the Czech Republic. "After the accident, Kubík was paralysed from the neck down, he could not move at all. He was on a ventilator 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We were told that it would stay like this and not to expect anything to get better - for example, that he would ever breathe or move on his own. That we should get used to it," recalls Lenka, the mother of the now 3.5-year-old boy. But the parents decided that they were not going to put up with the situation. ... continue to article
Regular exercise put Ivka on her feet
In the prognosis for children with spinal muscular atrophy, what he can currently do is literally science fiction, says the father of a little warrior. How many of you have made a resolution to go to the gym regularly at least once and finally gave up? 5-year-old Ivko from Michalovce has no choice. If he didn't exercise regularly, his muscles would stop obeying him and he would end up a recumbent patient. A diagnosis of Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 2 was confirmed when the boy was a year and a half old, but father and son didn't waste a minute and quickly got on a regular exercise schedule. Thanks to his perseverance, Ivko is now rewriting the international charts in the development of SMA children ... continue to article
This work recharges my batteries, says Marián Marckech, head doctor of the HENDI CENTRE
He preferred to work with disabled children and adults before the spa. He does not regret this choice, on the contrary. Marián Markech says that he has found great conditions, an excellent team of professionals and, above all, patients who charge him with positive energy. ... continue to article
Participation at the ICEE patient advocacy conference in Slovenia
Comprehensive rehabilitation for children diagnosed with SMA in the HENDI CENTRE is an inspiration for foreign countries. "They want to learn from us." Positive responses were met with Bc. Sňa Krchnáková, the main physiotherapist of the Department of the youngest children and Marta Miklošková, M.D., consultant of the HENDI CENTRE in Piešt'any, at the international conference iCEE Patient Advocacy in the Slovenian capital Ljubljana. The conference organized by EAMDA (European Alliance of Neuromuscular Disorders Associations) took place on Thursday 22.9.2022 and brought together representatives of patient groups from all over the Central and Eastern European region. ... continue to article
Natálka with a serious developmental defect after surgery in America is progressing in HENDI CENTRE
She is the only child in the world with congenital urogenital malformation and associated DMO and is rehabilitating intensively and making progress. The little girl was born with a very severe congenital developmental defect - urogenital malformation of the highest type, when her reproductive and urogenital organs failed to develop and DMO was associated....continue to article
A fun-filled weekend for SMA children brought a big wave of emotions and joy
For the first time ten children suffering from Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) together with their families spent a SUPER WEEKEND in our HENDI CENTRE. The special fun-filled weekend is a new activity supported by the Step for You 2022 grant program. One of the purposes of this activity was to bring SMA families together and provide them with support in coping with the disease....continue to article
Craniosacral therapy is also popular in the HENDI CENTRE
Gentle touch therapy brings about an improvement in mental and physical well-being. The therapy is now widely practiced around the world and continues to gain popularity with a wide range of people. The new therapeutic approach is also helping clients of the HENDI CENTRE. The therapy brings deep physical and emotional relaxation and at the same time activates the body's self-healing processes....continue to article
Snoezelen - therapy where everything is allowed and makes sense
Snoezelen (pronounced Snúzelen) is a multisensory environment, a type of therapy where therapy is carried out in a pleasant relaxing environment through light and sound elements, scents and music. These elements have a relaxing but also stimulating effect on different areas of perception. In Slovakia, young people are becoming aware of this therapy through special primary schools, social service homes and, last but not least, rehabilitation facilities. Snoezelen has been applied in different target groups and to individuals with different handicaps. ... continue to article
Therasuit® - a suit originally designed for astronauts, now helps in rehabilitation
A therasuit is a soft textile suit, covered with many hooks and attached cords, similar to a bungie. It was originally made to meet the needs of astronauts, whose muscles were becoming flaccid through the effects of antigravity in space. The soft brace is now used in special rehabilitation, improving postural control, aiding balance and allowing isolated exercises within the normal movement pattern. It is used in a method that bears the same name as its main equipment - Therasuit, known as suit therapy ... continue to article
HENDI CENTRE soaked up the atmosphere of the Paralympic Games and established cooperation with the Emil Open Foundation.
For the first time at the European Disabled Youth Summer Games Emil Open in the neighbouring Czech Republic.The European Disabled Youth Summer Games Emil Open is traditionally held in Brno, Czech Republic. This year was the 11th edition of this unique project. So far, over 4500 young athletes with entourage from more than 16 European countries have participated in the Games. Over eight hundred participants took part in the Games in the last week of June. Two new sports were introduced - archery and cycling. During this year's event, a significant event occurred, the Emil Open Foundation ... continue to article
Ten completed rehabilitation stays in a private centre from a family point of view!
To perfectly manage several intensive rehabilitation sessions in the HENDI CENTRE in a short period of time means, against the background of an ordinary Slovak family, to have an absolutely strict family management and an enormously high efficiency in fundraising. It is a challenging module, but everything has its justification and meaning! If 5-year-old Gloria had not spent a significant part of her young life in a rehabilitation gym and "working out" on her own, she would certainly not be spending time in a kindergarten with her peers on her own today, without the help of an assistant. ... continue to article
Mulligan concept
Mobilization manual therapy techniques linked to active patient movement by New Zealand physiotherapist Brian Mulligan. Continuous improvement of acquired skills and, of course, further education is an essential part of a physiotherapist's quality work. At HENDI CENTRE we like to learn and follow the trends in our field to be better and better and to be able to provide the highest level of rehabilitation care to our clients. ... continue to article
Detect early, treat and rehabilitate. Only this will help with SMA
If 30-year-old writer Michal Škombár from Sliač or 25-year-old blogger Petra Eller from Nitra had had the treatment that is possible today for spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), they might have been sitting up and able to move their arms, perhaps they would not have needed pulmonary ventilation. This is difficult to estimate because it is a new treatment and logically very expensive. However, if it is deployed early, before symptoms develop, it is likely to work wonders. This is also why children who are born with SMA inevitably need to be diagnosed as early as possible. ... continue to article
Children's Bobath Therapist in HENDI CENTRE
Good news that will make you happy and help you to better health! Only a few medical professionals and physiotherapists in Slovakia can boast the certification of a children's Bobath therapist. Recently, our colleagues have enriched this short list with their names. Sonia Krchnáková and Erika Marlengová form one team and have been helping the youngest clients of HENDI CENTRE to develop together for several years. By completing 340 professional hours and studying the subject, they have become official and internationally recognized children's Bobath therapists. ... continue to article
World Water Day and Watsu Therapy.
World Water Day with the introduction of a unique therapy in the HENDI CENTRE in Piešt'any. In the newly opened hydrocentre of the rehabilitation HENDI CENTRE they celebrated the World Water Day by introducing a new "water" therapy Watsu® (water shiatsu) in Slovakia. World Water Day also opened the International Watsu® Week (22-28 March 2022), a worldwide event organized by the International Water Therapy Association WABA as an open event for all interested professionals and the general public. Its aim is to introduce attendees to what Watsu® ... continue to article
The most expensive medicine in the world saved Eliška's life, the little warrior got back on her feet.
A little girl from Kysuce was born with the most severe form of the genetic disease spinal muscular atrophy. A year after the drug is administered, she is able to take her first steps. "Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is one of the rare neuromuscular inherited diseases and is caused by the loss of neurons that transmit signals to the muscles. The muscles gradually become flaccid and stop working, later on breathing problems occur. It affects approximately one in 10,000 live births. Patients diagnosed with SMA1 have the worst prognosis and until there was a cure, it was the most common cause of neonatal mortality. Like many children in Slovakia with this genetic disorder, Eliška from Oščadnica was given the most expensive drug. ... continue to article
Vojt's method for the health of the youngest clients
Exercise under professional supervision provokes movement and reminds the brain of the existence of "unawakened" muscles In the hands of physiotherapists at the HENDI CENTRE, the smallest children grow and develop. The Vojta Method is designed for premature babies and babies with suspected developmental delays, who cannot control their movement due to health impairment. Regular neuro-physiological exercise can, despite the great demands on the time, energy and psyche of the parent-exerciser, literally, work wonders. You need to start as soon as a doctor diagnoses a movement problem, and the sooner you and your baby jump on the train of individual rehabilitation, the better results you will achieve. ... continue to article
Exercise tailored to clients with arthritis
Intensive outpatient rehabilitation pulled Sandra out of the worst of it. "Hello. My name is Sandra, I'm 31 years old and it's been 6 years since there were two of us. Me and my arthritis ...", begins the story of a young woman whose autoimmune disease and severe pain almost drove her to a wheelchair. "At the twelfth hour" she sought help from the physiotherapists at the HENDI CENTRE. By the fall of 2021, her condition had improved rapidly. The days when she gets by without painkillers are becoming more and more numerous. Sandra is on a partial disability pension, but after many years in bed she is finally enjoying life, determined to work again and start a family. ... continue to article
Health - Baby steps
Kubko Čurgali from Košice was a normal baby until almost a year ago. The disease that manifested itself in him could have been slowed down much earlier. But finally he is standing without support! How many times have you said to yourself - if only? If I had left the house sooner, I wouldn't have missed the bus. If I hadn't speculated, I might not have sold out of those green boots. If I hadn't phoned, I might not have burnt the cake. Some ifs are more serious, though. If the doctor had sent Kubek Churgali from Košice for a checkup earlier, maybe he would be walking today without canes. And if he had also been screened for spinal muscular atrophy after the babies were born, maybe he would have developed as a healthy child thanks to early medical treatment and rehabilitation. ... continue to article
Thank you for successful representation of Slovakia!
"The HENDI REHABILITATION CENTRE has started to fulfil its commitment announced on the occasion of the celebration of its first birthday - to donate to all Tokyo medallists a 500-euro voucher for the services of the local centre." (source SPV, author: Roman Végh)
As a thank you for their successful representation, HENDI CENTRE presented each Paralympic medallist with a gift voucher, which they can use for intensive rehabilitation or outpatient therapy at our facility. We believe that through quality rehabilitation with qualified staff we will contribute to even better fitness, recovery and motivation for even better results of our great athletes.
Consultation days at the HENDI CENTRE 23. and 25.11.2021
23.11.2021 (Tuesday) 15:00 - 18:00Topic of the day: The problem that limits and angers! Counseling for older children, adults and their loved ones with neurological, orthopedic and communication problems. For movement disorders, post-stroke, multiple sclerosis and other diagnoses.
25.11.2021 (Thursday) 15:00 - 18:00 Topic of the day. Early intervention for babies and young children who exhibit developmental deviations. ... continue to article
HENDI CENTRE experts on the diagnosis of SMA
Fifth Physiotherapy and Balneology Days 2021. Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), is an inherited disease of the nerves and muscles. It is characterised by the inability to sit, stand, walk, as well as other symptoms. It is a relatively rare disease. Experts from the HENDI CENTRE contributed to the enrichment of the 5th edition of the scientific and professional event for doctors and physiotherapists, which welcomed more than 200 participants from Slovakia and abroad. Pediatrician, neurologist and expert in the field of physiotherapy, balneology and medical rehabilitation MUDr. Olga Boldišová, expert guarantor and consultant of HENDI CENTRE, and the head physiotherapist of the Department of the youngest children Sonia Krchňáková compiled a valuable presentation, in which they highlighted the disease SMA . .. continue to article
From America to HENDI CENTRE
Stephen with multiple sclerosis found help in the HENDI CENTRE. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system in which the covering of some fibres of the brain is damaged. It most often enters people's lives between the ages of 20 and 40 and manifests itself in fatigue, visual impairment, reduced mobility of the arms and legs, memory impairment, and depression. It is estimated that there are up to 8 thousand people living with sclerosis multiplex in Slovakia. However, many of them have no idea that they are struggling with the symptoms of this disease. Others may have been diagnosed, but do not know that there is a treatment option. Štefan Beňa, an American with Slovak roots, recently sought out the physiotherapists at the HENDI CENTRE in Piešt'any. ... continue to article
Hendicenter has its first birthday. Let's celebrate it together!
Get a week rehabilitation stay from us! Follow HENDI CENTRE on Facebook and join the birthday game to win a stay of your choice.
Choose a free therapy for your stay at HENDI CENTRE! (Exercise with a physiotherapist, exercise in a rehabilitation cage, Snoezelen, neurostimulation with WalkAdie or OmniHi5 devices).
Try our therapies! 50% OFF selected outpatient therapy (exercise with a physiotherapist, exercise in a rehabilitation cage, Snoezelen, neurostimulation with WalkAdie or OmniHi5 devices) ... continue to article
Vibroacoustic massage regenerates and relieves
The sound penetrates into the stiff parts of the body and restores their sensitivity. While physiotherapists heal with their hands, music therapist Marián Gliganič heals without even touching you. Adult clients can receive a vibroacoustic sound massage at the HENDI CENTRE as part of music therapy. You lie on a mat or bed in the pleasant twilight, your eyes are closed and small or larger metallic, so-called singing bowls are spread around you. Thanks to the skilful hands of a trained music therapist, these actually sing. Marian is able to emit soothing tones and vibrations from them, which penetrate your whole body in order to reach you where you need to be. We were very intrigued by how sound can penetrate to the bones, so we talked to him more about this topic. ... continue to article
Piešt'any has a new public defibrillator, you can find it in the HENDI CENTRE
From Monday 20 September 2021 you will also find the new life-saving device in the HENDI CENTRE in Piešt'any. The rehabilitation facility received it as a gift from the consulting company VGD. Automated external defibrillator - AED forms an essential part of emergency medicine and is not missing in any professional rescue equipment. Green stickers with the AED inscription and the heart symbol with a lightning bolt have been around in our area for several years. They can be found in shopping malls, sports complexes, railway stations, airports, petrol stations or hotels. The presence of such a sticker indicates the place in which the automatic defibrillator ... continue to article
There is no doctor like Dogtor
A dog is not only man's best friend, but can also be his unique healer. Yvo, Rosi and Joy - these are the three certified dog therapists who regularly visit clients 1-2 times a week at the HENDI CENTRE and put a smile on their face. When we talked to Ivana Putshkova and Monika Krajčírova from OZ Dogtoro about what it is like to provide canister therapy in an original, fun, educational and interactive way, they made a few curious inquiries. We can't interpret their opinions 😊, but their mischievous and happy eyes say it all. Ivka and Monika, the trainers of the trio of "furries", took turns answering a few questions for us. ... continue to article
In the ambulance with the charismatic Tomas Masaryk
"Simple exercises yet more challenging than if I had to play four hours of tennis." Twenty years - that's how long it's been since the fateful incident that confined him to a wheelchair. Tomas Masaryk was literally and literally born a second time in 2001 after a severe car accident that statistically 99 percent of people should not survive. He survived. And it didn't break him. On the contrary, he learned to enjoy life to the fullest even with his disability. In the summer he started outpatient treatment at the HENDI CENTRE under the guidance of physiotherapist Zuzka Kobzíková. At the end of the exercise, we knocked on the gym door and entered between the physiotherapist-client . .. continue to article
The name predestines her to fight all her life
Amelia with spinal muscular atrophy is progressing in the HENDI CENTRE. The beautiful and unusual name Amelia comes from the ancient Germanic language, where it was derived from the word "melih" meaning "work" or "toil". For two and a half year old Amelia from Horní Salíby near Galanta, this name was destined to fight an incurable genetic disease. The little girl's life was marked by spinal muscular atrophy in its most severe form. Amelia is unable to hold her head or sit up and if her parents, together with three other Slovak families, had not been pressured by the public to administer the world's most expensive drug for children with SMA, she would soon not have been able to breathe without the machines. All of Slovakia came together to help. ... continue to article
Spartan Alex 🙂
With the prospect of another hot summer day, we rush to the HENDI CENTRE building early in the morning to meet the parents of our little girl Alex. They are sitting on the summer terrace enjoying a quiet moment as a couple. Or, quite accurately, a threesome. They are kept company by a beautiful and dominant American Akita female - Aki, who has been accompanying the family for three years now and regularly assists their youngest daughter with walking in addition to her constant company. Their daughter Alex, an energetic and cheerful little girl diagnosed with DMO, is at the HENDI CENTRE for her first intensive two-week stay for older children and adults. The parents found out about us on Facebook. They were intrigued by the new centre, the range of services on offer and the faces of the physiotherapists they knew from the past. ... continue to article
Rehabilitation catches up with what he missed in his mother's tummy
Every eleventh baby is born prematurely in Slovakia, approximately 4 to 5 thousand babies a year. However, the little fighters, whose huge desire to live prevails, do not win even after returning from the hospital. They pack the consequences of their early arrival in this world in their backpack for life. Five-year-old Adamko from Košice has been exercising and attending rehabilitation centres since he was 8 months old. In June he had a rehabilitation stay at the HENDI CENTRE. West's syndrome and spastic quadriparesis are giving him a hard time. However, under the supervision of experienced physiotherapists, with conscientious training, step by step, he was able to warm up his right hand, which he hadn't wanted to use before. ... continue to article
Post-covid rehabilitation in HENDI CENTRE
He arrived in a wheelchair, left on his own. A coronavirus disease can lay a pensioner as well as a vital young person flat on their backs. At our center, we can help both adults and seniors who have experienced severe Covid and, as a result, have impaired or completely lost their ability to move independently. A shining example is 76-year-old Mr. Jozef from Nižná near Piešt'any. Big smiling eyes, a face reflecting years of experience, but also a lifetime of optimism and vigour. When we visited Mr. Jozef during one of his final outpatient therapies at the HENDI CENTRE, it was impossible not to be infected by his enormous zest for life. At the beginning of the year, he overcame an illness caused by a coronavirus that attacked his organism in full force. ... continue to article
Martinko Iždinský and his stay in HENDI CENTRE
Martinko from Poltár celebrated his 4th birthday in HENDI CENTRE. The two-week stay straightened him up. He was born with Down syndrome. The sad story of Vladimír Iždinský, who became Martinko's father and mother the moment his wife died just 10 days after the birth of their son, has been circulating in many Slovak media. The last time Slovenka weekly wrote about him was in the beginning of May 2021. The article also included photos from Martinko's first stay in the HENDI CENTRE in Piešt'any. Thanks to rehabilitation, he is progressing. The smiling little boy with Down syndrome and muscle problems has needed regular rehabilitation in specialised facilities since he was a little boy. ... continue to article
With the "home office" era, the number of employees with health problems has increased
Interview with Zuzka Kobziková, a leading physiotherapist, about effective rehabilitation for health problems caused by sedentary or even physically demanding jobs. I guess everyone has heard the term post-covid rehabilitation. But did you know that many people also suffer from post home office problems? Sitting at the computer for long periods of time at home, often in uncomfortable chairs, typing at the kitchen table, on the sofa or even in bed in improvised conditions, less exercise and more food - all of this brings with it problems with the musculoskeletal system. Working on a soft couch with a computer on your lap can . .. continue to article
Health - Exercise tailored to your needs
Even the most expensive medicine in the world, which was given to four Slovak babies last year, will not work a miracle if they are not rehabilitated for life. Half a year and a half since the emotion-filled winter of 2019/2020, when all of Slovakia watched the desperate efforts of four families to save their children with spinal muscular atrophy, everything is much more optimistic today. The three boys, Riško, Alex and Alexej, and the little girl, Amelia, who needed to receive a dose of the world's most expensive medicine by their second birthday at the latest, have already had it administered. But their journey to health is far from over. What is SMA? "Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), is an inherited disease of the nerves and muscles. It is characterized by the inability to sit, stand, walk, as well as other symptoms. ... continue to article
Rhythm of Life - She has mastered walking, she can climb stairs
The first months of little Gloria's life were not easy for the young family from Liptov. She was born three months earlier than planned, which took both her mother and the doctors by surprise. "My boyfriend and I had a week before the wedding. Suddenly the birth started, and even though I was only in my 28th week, Gloria had to come into the world. When she was born, she was only half a kilo and a half," recalls mum Petra, who had to call off the wedding, of the events of more than three years ago. Like many premature babies, Glória spent the first weeks after birth in an incubator. Hospitalization in a highly specialized care unit and almost two months in the ICU took a toll on both the baby and her parents. ... continue to article
Piešt'any Week - Music Therapy
Piešt'any Hendi Centre offers a new complementary therapy with an experienced music therapist Marián Gliganič. He has converted an old 70-year-old beehive into a therapeutic studio in Nová Bana, where he lives, where he facilitates healing through sounds and vibrations. He and his wife, Danka, have built a centre in a secluded spot near Nova Bana where they guide people to get in touch with themselves through music and body work. The place where they have settled is really only a stone's throw away from the former mining town, and yet as you climb up to their secluded spot, you have the feeling that you are leaving something busy behind and heading into silence. In the apple region, on the hills, as they call the animated hills ... continue to article
Weekly Life - Lifelong exercise with a diagnosis of DMO
MUDr. Oľga Boldišová, paediatrician and neurologist, specialist in the field of physiotherapy, balneology and medical rehabilitation, expert guarantor and consultant of the HENDI CENTRE. How does the diagnosis of DMO limit patients? "DMO is a long-term non-progressive disease that arises during the development and maturation of the brain. It manifests mainly by impaired psychomotor development, in some cases visual impairment, epilepsy and other associated disorders." Why do they have to exercise and rehabilitate all their lives? "Lifelong rehabilitation is a priority for comprehensive treatment. The goal is to rebuild impaired movement patterns to a higher level of movement . .. continue to article
Music therapy in HENDI CENTRE
"When parents exclaim to me with joy in their voice that their baby has slept and they have finally had a restful night, it is a great satisfaction for me." Around the world, music therapy is established as a supportive, complementary therapy in several medical disciplines. It is used in hospitals, psychiatric hospitals, children's hospices and hospices for palliative care. Music therapy helps to regenerate and improves perception and communication. In March, we expanded our offer of therapies at the HENDI CENTRE to include MUSIC THERAPY. In addition to intensive rehabilitation and standard complementary therapies, we offer music therapy, which clients can receive as part of residential rehabilitation as well as outpatient ... continue to article